The profiles below represent a sampling of our fundraising work.
We've served over 150 ministries since 2018 with coaching and hands on fundraising assistance.
Justice Ventures International
Project: Justice Hubs, India and Nepal
Bringing freedom, justice, and restoration to survivors of human trafficking and other extreme injustice.
Grove Group $75k, Jackson Foundation $25k
Atlas Free $100k, Rees-Jones $285k
Stewardship $100k, Free Family $150k
Adair Foundation $150k
Ongoing engagement for major gifts fundraising. Revenue has tripled since 2019.
Medical Ambassadors International
Project: Community Health Evangelism (CHE)
Making wholistic disciples who make wholistic disciples in 72 countries.
Jackson Foundation $35k
Kathryn B McQuade $5k
Assisted with Capital Campaign, $2.2 million raised
Grace Place School
Project: Paving a road to hope for at-risk youth in South Florida
Creatively empowering at-risk youth in order for them to reach their God given potential.
Strikeforce $38k
Broward Sheriff's Office $12k
Ongoing engagement for major gifts fundraising. Revenue has increased 56% since 2020.​
International Friendship Ministries
Project: IFM Ministry Center
Building Friendships, Bridging Cultures, Transforming Lives in Columbus, GA
SOMA Foundation $100k
Butler Family $400k
Assisted with capital campaign, $1.5 million raised
Ground Zero
Project: Reach Downtown Myrtle Beach Youth
Giving teens a place to go, belong, and grow.
Oceanview Memorial Trust $30k
PowerED $75k
Chapin Foundation $120k
4G3: For the Global Glory of God
Project: Discipleship Institutes
Emboldening Displaced and Persecuted Christians in the Middle East and Beyond to Stand Firm in their Faith
Harold C Smith Foundation $50k
Stollar Foundation $30k
Ongoing engagement for major gifts fundraising. Revenue has doubled since 2020.