The profiles below include our partners who are seeking grant funding for various projects.
We welcome the opportunity to share more or make a connection.
Here's what you can anticipate from a Flagship partner:
Our partners are 501(c)(3) faith-based entities, thoroughly vetted to be grants ready, equipped with necessary documentation, organizational structures, and capacity for successful grant application and management.
Each partner presents project proposals featuring anticipated life impact, metrics, and detailed project budgets.
Demonstrating measurable outcomes is a core strength of every partner.
Every partner boasts a diversified funding portfolio and places a high priority on achieving long-term sustainability.
Collaboration is a key focus, as all partners actively engage with local organizations.
All partners receive coaching from Flagship on nonprofit best practices, ensuring continuous improvement.
Last but not least, each partner is led by servant leaders characterized by vision, compassion, and a sincere commitment to being obedient to God's will, way, and timing.