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Writer's pictureEmily Fitchpatrick

2 Exercises To Clarify Your Win (Programs & Fundraising)

If you are approaching Summer feeling stretched, stressed or sapped by your ministry work, it may be time to pull away from working “in” your ministry and spend time working “on” your ministry.


Do you know exactly what a “win” looks like in every level of your ministry?

Clarifying your win will help you determine how to best invest your energy, time, skills and resources.

Here’s a two exercises that will help get you started...

Clarifying your win in PROGRAMS: Outcomes Based Evaluation

You can’t manage what you can’t measure. The OBE exercise helps you measure the effectiveness of your programs, prepares you to answer donor questions with ease and serves as a guide to keep you on track with your mission/vision.



  • Inputs - What are the resources you use to run your program? Include staff and board time, funding, clients, equipment, partner organizations, etc.

  • Activities - What activities do you perform with these resources? Describe how the resources are used.

  • Outputs - How many times did you do these activities? How many people did you reach?

  • Outcomes & Targets - What changed for your program participants because they experienced or participated in your activities? Outcomes can include changes in attitudes or in behaviors.

Note: You should evaluate EACH program that your ministry delivers.

Clarifying your win in FUNDRAISING: A SMART Funding Plan

Creating a funding plan using the SMART Goal format will bring accountability and structure to your fundraising efforts. 

Need help developing a SMART Funding Plan? 

We have you covered! 

We've released four self-study fundraising courses for only $19 each to kick-off the Summer and Developing a SMART Funding Plan is one of them! 

You'll receive the course, slides, plus the following resources:

  • Tips To Engage Your Board

  • Funding Plan Sample Template

  • Board Member Fundraising Plan

  • Fundraising Terms

  • Calculating Cost Per Life Served


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